How to choose the right battery test equipment ?

It is a difficult process to choose the right and suitable battery test equipment for your different application. Here is some test equipment for your battery testing for checking battery the state of health.

VLF Hipot Test Equipment

What is VLF testing ?

VLF testing is a method to test Medium voltage and high voltage cable for verifying the cable insulation . VLF diagnostic testing is a withstand voltage test usually carried out at a frequency of between 0.1 Hz and 0.01 Hz rather than 50/60 Hz.

AC Resonance Test System Knowledge

Series resonance is related with circuit and series connection. It is a resonance condition that usually occurs in series circuits. Generally, A series resonance test system is classified into two types regulating the induction and regulating frequency. It is composed by an exciting transformer, variable frequency power, capacitive voltage divider and reactor.

What is hipot test ?

Hipot test is short for high potential test and it is also called dielectric withstand test or pressure test or insulation test. Hipot test is a nondestructive test that determines the effectiveness of its insulation for withstanding over transient high voltage.


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